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Frequently Answered Questions
What is Life Coaching?A thought-provoking and creative exchange meant to inspire you to explore your own inner wisdom and identify & maximize your personal and professional potential.
What is the difference between a Life Coach and a Therapist?A Life Coach is to a Therapist as a Personal Trainer is to a Doctor. Life Coaches work with you in the present to help you make discoveries about yourself that empower you to design and build the life of your dreams. The results can be healing and transformational. Therapists are trained to help you understand your experiences fully, your motivations, the decisions you’ve made, and the role you’ve played in the creation of your present life. This awareness invites the possibility of making new choices that better serve you. Therapists can also provide the support needed to heal from traumas so you can live more fully in the present. Some Therapists are also Life Coaches.
How do I know if I would benefit from working with Aneetrah?You are whole mentally and emotionally whole but one or more of the following applies: You know you’re meant for something special but you don’t know what that is or you know but aren’t making progress towards realizing it. You want to become more of who you truly are (without the societal, familial, cultural pressures) but aren’t sure how. You’re going through a major shift and aren’t sure what to make of it, where to go from here, or what’s next. You feel good about things but know “good” can be better.
How do I know if I'm ready to work with Aneetrah?You want to live from the truest essence of your being. You’ve started to decision from faith or your inner wisdom over fear and would like to do that more often. You’re open to shifts in awareness; alternative perspectives, possibilities, and feedback. You want regular, dedicated support, and accountability on your personal growth journey. You value your personal growth deeply and are willing to invest in it.
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